Winter in Arabia

Winter in Arabia

The Arab world they say would blossom and bloom

And its people reap a marvellous boom

When seedlings of the western thought

Would take root within those eastern people’s hearts.


The promised spring is still not yet

Instead we have a frigid season of ruin and regret

For the seed that is buried in the ground is lost

Because the soil is in a state of tundra and permafrost


The western version of true government

Is what the men and women of that sphere resent

For what the nations teach and live

The western tenet to them now cannot give.


Contrary to the western long held thought

The easterners’ dogma sinks deep within their hearts

And it does not matter what we westerners wish or think

To the easterners, the western dogma really stinks.


The notion that the West can plant its dogma

In lands like Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Libya

And watch it flourish on the graves of Saddam and Gadhafi

Is like a painted wall ruined by vulgar, vain graffiti.


Oh, look at the state of Syria now

How the keepers of the gate will not allow

The sowers of the western thought

To plant the western dogma in their people’s hearts


Western democracy, is not to them the charming flowers

Watered by the people’s sovereign will and powers

And deeply rooted in the rule of law

That bud and blossom without inherent flaws.


To them it is not some gracious wind of change

With favoured ratings on the spectrum’s range

That would inspire those who feel the wind

To immediately their tenet to rescind.


It is not to them the gentle rain

With showers of love and not disdain

That ushers in a perfect state of mind

All filled with virtues and is sublimely kind.


To them it’s not the all-pervasive bloom

The western doctrinaires presume

To be the sole illuminating guide to man

That must be taught across all spheres and land.


It is not to them the fresh and balmy breath

That pervades the land in width and length

Inspiring peace and love and joy

All void of some corrupting ploy.


The promised spring is still not yet

As winter holds its own across the arid stretch

And all and every current forecast

Predicts that winter in the east for now, will likely last.


The wars and overthrows have not spread peace

Across the ambit of the Middle East

And the will to spread the western thought

By forces in and out is brought to naught.


The ground the farmers sought to plow

The hands of circumstances their efforts disallow

And what is thought would be the reaper’s joy

Has turned out to be a thing that now annoys.


Ah, true the dream was for all the Middle East

To become a western duplicate at the very least

And that it would reflect the western ideal

And bear the western approval, stamp and seal.


So now the west must ask itself

If it’s time to put away upon some shelf

The plan to spread democracy’s dogma

In Iraq, Egypt, Syria and Libya.


And yet we never know what time can do

If the doctrinaires in zeal pursue

For what now seemed as though it would or would not

Might well in time become an arable lot.
