

Love is much more than a story and much more than a song

It is a sacred inner feeling, which joins two hearts as one

It stirs the heart to gladness, and moves the soul to sing

And creates within the being, an ever flowing spring.


Love knows no face or colour, or medals won for valor

It takes no time to dictate, as to who should lead or follow

It brings two hearts together from stations far and wide

And keeps them jointly yoked; forever side by side.


Love is not vaults of gold or any other gem

It does not base its value on the wealth and status of men

Its depth and worth is measured, by a rule that is divine

And from it was established it has never changed with time.



Love knows no upper or lower, middle or underclass

It is the raging fire that burns all forms of castes

It directs its full attention on the nobler things of life

That speaks to sincere friendship, and quells all forms of strife.


Love knows no form of bitterness nor is it built on guile

It is always so sincere and is forgiving all the while

It chooses to see the silver that lines the darkened clouds

And against each evil act, love’s voice is heard aloud.


